Let’s settle some stories that are circulating throughout various fandoms. The Trimbles are not destitute. Not wealthy, but not bag people yet. Yes, we could use more money, so can everyone else except Gates, Trump, and Oprah. I am not on my deathbed from a stroke or heart attack. John is doing fine after his Read More
Category: The Dyery
You will read a lot about The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., a medieval historical re-enactment organization popularly known as the SCA. Many of our fiber activities and in-person sales are within the SCA. Here I’m known as Maestra Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani, Order of the Laurel (arts), Order of the Pelican (service). John is Master Read More
Our Location
We are not zoned to sell from our home in Monrovia, a small foothill town near Pasadena, so don’t try to visit our store. We don’t have one, though it would be great if we at least had a working studio and store – any million-aire investors out there? GDW ships from a mailbox where Read More
About Griffin Dyeworks & Fiber Arts
This business concept, familiarly known as GDW, started some years ago when John & Bjo Trimble sold trim and other fiber materials at historical reenactment events such as the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA). We also sold books, T-shirts and other merchandise at science fiction and Star Trek conventions as well. However, advancing years Read More
Hello Again!
Well, OK. So… here I am again… is this thing on???? It’s me giving blogging another try. Our daughter, Jenn, is a blogger: http://www.cluefairy.com and urged me to try blogging. She helped set up my first blog, and nudged me into saying something on it. But I had no real focus and found it difficult Read More
August 22, 2005
Spent yesterday (Sunday) at Camp Verdugo Oaks, where I worked on Retreat papers and the rest worked on walls. “The rest” being John and Lora, with Clark and Sherry Acton. Cate came too but was not feeling well most of the day. After she fixed us lunch, she retired for a long nap. The walls Read More
Long Friday
Oh, Jenn – I finally found my way into my own blog. I quasi-quote Blackadder to Baldrick: Computer technology is something that happens to other people. The upcoming Dye & Fiber Retreat happening Aug 26-28 is up to 55 people which is going to be a nice party. But many of the final details fall Read More
New Monitor!
Today I went to Villa Esperanza, where Kathryn is in Group Living, for a discussion about her progress (or lack thereof) with several involved parties. There is the usual food issue – Kat seems to think there is a plot to starve her to death if she doesn’t stockpile food in her room, in her Read More
My background photo
This is a photo I took somewhere on the highway from Wyoming to Montana. I just liked the mountains in the background with a road that goes on forever. When I find out more about how to do things around here, I’ll show off more of my photos. Kathryn, our mentally challenged adult daughter, was Read More
Oh, and another thing…
Jenn is walking me through all this, so things will be sort of scatty until I learn a bit more about what I’m doing. At the moment, it’s sorta like those games at Hallowe’en when you are blind-folded and handed a bowl full of “guts” that are really spaghetti. I don’t know what’s going on!