Executive Director, Theresa Wollenstein
In addition to being a dyer and multicraftual textile artist, Theresa has been a producer and project manager in the video game industry, a volunteer and educator with multiple non-profits, and an event planner for parents in her area. Theresa is extremely excited to see Griffin Dyeworks, the non-profit corporation, continue to grow and educate people about historical textile arts.
Treasurer, Jen Foti
As an exhibited, multi-medium artist, Jen brings 40+years of textile experience to Griffin Dyeworks. Through her love of color she explores historical natural dyeing, color mixing, modern dyes of all types as well as early dye formulas for Saxon and Prussian blues. Her organic madder beds and yearly Japanese Indigo/Polygonum tinctorium harvest always give her something to look forward to and share.
Secretary, Debbie Coyle
Debbie Coyle teaches weaving (inkle and card), knitting, cross-stitch, spinning, kumihimo, lucet, potpourri, bath salts, and flavored vinegars, but she also enjoys crochet, needlepoint, Tunisian crochet, beading and other crafty skills. Within the Society for Creative Anachronism, she has been awarded with Baroness’ arts awards, one each for kumihimo, lucet, and inkle; two Harp Argents, one for things herbal, one for brewing; and a Lux Caidis for weaving. At the LA County Fair, Debbie has been recognized with blue ribbons for knitting and weaving, and red ribbons for spinning and crafting.