Ammonium Sulfate
Description: Acid modifier, white crystalline powder or granules, slight ammonia odor
Other Names: Ammonium sulfate, sulfuric acid diammonium salt, mascaguite
Dye Use: Dyebath additive, color leveler, turns acidic as heat is applied to dyebath, lowers pH of dyebath. Can waterproof fiber if heated too high.
Best On: Cotton, linen
Dye Recipe: Follow ATA recipe under alum
Safety: Mildly irritating to eyes and skinit is an ammonia derivative after all.
Disposal: Dilute considerably, pour down toilet or sink
Alternative: Citric acid, ammonia, 11x amount of vinegar
Source: Griffin Dyeworks
CODES: c = cup; gal = gallon; lb = pound (weight); tbsp = Tablespoon; tsp = teaspoon / [AF] Anglo-French; [Ar] Arabic; [AS] Anglo-Saxon; [Dan] Danish; [Du] Dutch; [Fr] French; [Ger] German; [Gk] Greek; [It] Italian; [L] Classical Latin; [LL] Late Latin; [ME] Middle English; [ML] Modern Latin; [OE] Old English; [OF] Old French; [ON] Old Norse; [OS] Old Saxon; [Port] Portuguese; [Sp] Spanish; [Sw] Swedish / CE = Common Era; BCE = Before Common Era
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